So after deciding marathoning wasn’t really my thing after all the leg pains and stress of it (not saying I won’t one day do one… maybe just one… eventually). So I put it on hold for the time being for something else! A full update will be out soon here on my website with more details, but needless to say I may have found something I am far more passionate and excited about (and doesn’t murder my legs)!
So here are a few clips from the past week of obstacle training I wanted to share! Guarantee more to come and I’ll be getting my video ready for submission to American Ninja Warrior very soon!!
Thanks for watching!
Ninja Warrior ROCKS Solid.
Full on Awesome Bro!
Unexpected FAN Sadie turned, came to ‘watch’ with me now that’s quite intriguing my New Ninja Warrior friend. Highly anticipating Ninja Next.